• info@globalstudycentre.org
  • +91 9072575150
Vision & Mission

We believe that Human has pursued the knowledge through education and travelling around the world and in universe. “GSC Private Limited” has envisaged the help and assistance required in this human pursuit and looks forward to providing guidance and information on global opportunities and reputed sources of required education across the world to the young knowledge seekers.

Our mission is to source internationally renowned academic institutions providing modern learning programs leading to bright international careers and guide, help and assist Indian students to gain easy access to such learning opportunities irrespective of gender, caste, creed or economic status.

Interships & Projects

In Europe, there are a number of colleges where students can undertake an internship whilst studying. Students studying adventure tourism or hospitality management must complete an internship in order to complete their course studies. Most of these internships are paid by the employer.

An internship in Europe offers the chance to build an international network as well as come into contact with clusters of connections that have a history which precedes mass globalization.

In addition to its economic assets, the European continent has a long and rich history which, due to various European countries colonial practices, are familiar to people worldwide. Some of the world's most popular tourist destinations are in Europe. The great cities of Paris, Berlin, Madrid, London and many others call people from around the world to explore their streets and avenues. Europe's mostly open borders between countries also make it easier to explore different countries once you're there; hopping on a train from France to the Netherlands is super simple from an immigration perspective (less simple from the "getting luggage through the metro to the train station" perspective).

Project/Internship courses create an environment that is a unique cradle to forge students’ soft skills, such as, team work, communication, initiative, focus. Addressing and improving these skills in an efficient and efficacious manner is seldom done by any other type of instruction.

During the course of an internship interns will be given both short and long term projects, on which they will work both individually and in teams. Intern projects will be assigned according to the specific skills of each individual intern and the current projects Internship Programs. Students get the chance to apply to an internship that meets all of their requirements.

Global study centre is India’s premier ISO accredited education consulting company engaged in Students recruitment and actively involved in the promotion of Immigration abroad and centre for project and internships. At GSC, our key emphasis on quality and extensive facilities combined with our in-depth expertise in the foreign universities and institutions gives us the competitive edge in providing you custom-tailored educational choices in actuating your absolute higher educational aspirations abroad

Our Services extent

  • Opportunity to develop a wide range of life skills
  • Access to real-life projects/internships that are on the cutting edge of technology.
  • Opportunities to join international teams,experience team work in an international environment whilst developing your ‘softskills’.
  • Pick the projects/internships from around Europe that you are really interested in

The GSC will provide you the internship program collaborating with Praxis .The Praxis is European Centre for Project and Internship Excellence. With the mission to improve students’ employability and soft skills by encouraging innovative thinking and debate in multicultural settings ,Praxis facilitates the offer of projects and internships for students in real-world settings. This can be in a business, public or educational environment.

Praxis and GSC will provides you with experience of the real working world - an opportunity to explore a company, a technical area or a business sector to see if it is where you see yourself working for your first job. Along with that it can be the extended interview that gives you the offer of a full time job!

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